Dependents leave, Garden Leave, Compassionate leave – what are they
- Dependents Leave – this is a statutory right and is upnaid leave for carers of dependents to deal with emergency situations such as re-organising childcare when arrangements fall through, or when a child falls sick. It is allowed for a reasonable amount of time (there is no prescribed amount but it is usually from hours to a couple of days at the most)
- Compassionate leave – leave that is granted at the discretion of the employer in the event of an employee requiring time off work to deal with a bereavement or similar emotionally difficult situation. The length of paid leave is discretionary and may be nil, however an employee may have to resort to sick leave or taking annual leave if there is no provision for compassionate leave.
- Garden Leave – a contractual clause to reserve the right to request that an employee does not attend work for a period of time (usually during a notice period) but remains employed and bound by all provsions of the employment contract and receives full pay.