IR35: Inside or Outside?
Companies engaging contractors on a self- employed basis or via personal services companies are sure to be aware of the pending changes to the IR35 rules which take effect in April 2020.
Paperless HR
The HR department has traditionally been a place of fire proof filing cabinets, hanging files and endless printing of letters, appraisals, minutes and other highly sensitive information.
GDPR and Payroll
Managing payroll requires processing a lot of personal data on employees. The availability and accuracy of that information, as well as ensuring it doesn't fall into the wrong hands, can have serious implications for your business.
The Year to date in Employment Law
Year to date employment law developments Listed below are a number of changes to employment law that have taken place or are scheduled to be implemented in the coming months. January • Holiday pay – regulations came into force placing a two year limit on claims for unfair deduction from wages claims in respect of holiday pay – applies to claims presented on...
Employees and the World Cup – managing requests for time off
Occasionally a sporting event will have such widespread appeal that it can have an impact on the workplace, cause disruption and feelings of inequality amongst staff. All these can equal headaches for the employer - so how can an employer position themselves so that such events do not require draconian action and instead promote employee engagement. Much of what you...
Dependents leave, Garden Leave, Compassionate leave – what are they
Dependents Leave - this is a statutory right and is upnaid leave for carers of dependents to deal with emergency situations such as re-organising childcare when arrangements fall through, or when a child falls sick. It is allowed for a reasonable amount of time (there is no prescribed amount but it is usually from hours to a couple of days at...
Apprenticeships on the increase
Employers are increasingly turning to apprenticeships as a way of helping them grow their workforce and they have increased at a record rate. There are three levels of apprenticeship to offer: Intermediate Advanced Higher If your business employes up to 1,000 staff and has not employed an apprentice in the last year, you can apply for a £1,500 grant per apprentice to...
Snow days, leaves on the line and the wrong type of rain
All too familiar reasons why employees can't get into work on time or at all. Employers can't control these problems but there are measures that can be taken to minimise disruption and disagreement. Adverse weather or journey to work policies are advisable so that it is clear how the company will treat lateness or absences in certain scenarios. It also assists...
What to do if you get an employment tribunal claim
Here is GAHRs quick tips on what do do if a form ET1 lands on your desk 1. Read the pleadings carefully and ensure you are aware of what date you need to submit a response by 2. Make a note of the date and any other dates that may have been provided 3. Consider carefully and decide whether you will seek professional...