As per the EU guidelines which came into enforcement on May 26th 2012, we aim to comply with the regulations by being as up-front about the Cookies we use within this website. For the full information on the EU Cookie guidelines, please visit the official ICO website (Information Commissioner’s Office) here >

The EU Cookie guidelines says that sites must provide “clear and comprehensive” information about the use of cookies.

As website managers we must:

  • Let users know what cookies are present
  • Why the cookies are there and what the do
  • Allow users to agree to store the cookies on their device

In the interests of complete transparency we adhere to the ‘implied’ consent workings of the guidelines – we have between 2/3 cookies at work and they handle things like making the site faster, helping us track your page visits to better improve the website etc.

Founded in 2010, GA Human Resources now supplies HR Outsourcing and Consulting services to a wide range of clients across the UK.

  London 0203 858 7557

  Kent 01892 739956

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